PA-Sen: Matthews Won’t Run

So sayeth the Politico:

Before “Hardball” today, Chris Matthews informed the show’s staff in a production meeting that he’s not running for Senate, according to a network source.

The NY Times confirms it. All I can say is: good. Maybe now we can get to the task of finding a real candidate to run against Specter.

14 thoughts on “PA-Sen: Matthews Won’t Run”

  1. Between this and Jeb, I’d say the last couple days have been satisfying. But yeah, now we need a real candidate. I personally think Ed Rendell should take a shot at Specter. What else is he going to do after 2010?

  2. is Arlen Specter. We shouldn’t kid ourselves, he would be tough to beat. He still has a (undeserved) reputation as a moderate and he can attract a lot of otherwise Democratic voters.

    One trend I have noticed in recent elections is that younger Iraq veterans running for Congress don’t do well. Ashwin Madia, Tammy Duckworth, Jon Powers all ran high-profile races and had disappointing losses. Patrick Murphy is the rare exception, he just barely won in 2006. Given the trend, it’s not likely that Patrick Murphy to be able to win against Arlen Specter statewide. Nonetheless I still want Patrick Murphy to run for the Senate seat.

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